TQ GROUP can perform ship maintenance&repair service, ownership, ship management&chartering services dealing with the purchasing and sales of vessels.
TQ GROUP which entered the sector with the principles of integrity, reliability and high quality has expanded the global range of its activities since its establishment by anticipating the changing shipping conditions and the shifting customer needs and policies, thus securing its place among the most respected shipping enterprises in Turkey.
Mission & Vision
- Maintaining the highest quality with increasing our knowledge and experience.
- To produce solutions on the sectorel standarts and suitable for international rules.
- Taking responsibility on the common problems; operational, technical, enviromental and shoulder the responsibility of probable risks.
- To desire sharing a collective and richer future with our employees.
- By controlling itself, perpetualluy developing organisation and technological infrastructure.
- An active and efficient enviromental management system.
- To give the best service to our customers.
- To develop and expand our service based on the needs of our customers.
- Expanding with qualified partners and stakeholders according to our values.
- To focus on changing customer requirements and satisfaction.
- To protect the enviroment with safety operations and adopting the enviromental requirments all the time.
- To increase individual responsibilities of employees.
- Access to highest quality standarts in all business areas of activity.
- To ensure our support and loyalty to the employees and stakeholders.
- To be provided with the necessary resources for growth requirements in future.